A Charmed Healing Bouquet with matching Pillowcase 061317QPC
A Charmed Healing Bouquet with matching Pillowcase 061317QPC
The name of this quilt is A Charmed Hearlinig Bouquet designed using the printed panel Botanica II Spring. Botanica is a Spanish word that translates to botany. Botanica is also an herb store that sells charms and religious items. Hence the name A Charmed Healing Bouquet. One matching Decorator Pillowcase is included.
The size is 63 x 47. A nice lap size. A quilt of this size also looks nice on the top of a larger bed. Great as a sofa quilt. They make wonderful scooter chair, wheelchair or golf carts quilts. The fabrics are 100% cotton. The batting is 100% cotton Nature's Touch brand. The fabrics were not pre-washed and the item has not been washed.
The backing fabric which is cotton is a blue floral bouquet print. The quilting is an edge to edge loop tee top meander, meaning no set pattern was followed.
The binding was applied by machine with a decorative stitch.
Inventory #: 061317QPC (1)