Sand Trapped in a Whirlwind with pillowcase 061318Q
Sand Trapped in a Whirlwind with pillowcase 061318Q
The name of this homemade quilt is Sand Trapped in a Whirlwind designed using the traditional quilt pattern Whirlwind and printed fabric cartoon panels.
One matching Decorator Pillowcase is included with purchase.
This sofa/lap size quilt measures 62.00in x 52.00. It fits on the top of twin bed but doesn't cover the pillow.
The fabrics are 100% cotton. The batting is Nature's Touch 100% cotton. The fabrics were not pre-washed and the quilt has not been washed. The backing is 100% cotton flannel. The print is white circles on bright green. The pillowcase body matches the backing.
The quilting stitch is edge to edge meander loop-tee-loops. The binding is dark green which matches the sashing strips and was sewn by machine with a decorative stitch.
Inventory #: 061318QPC